about our health hiatus in 2024

Hello, singers —

I’ve been out of commission for 12 of the last 18 months with two consecutive cases of long COVID. This condition’s symptoms include brain fog, memory loss and “PEM”, a symptom which causes violent illness after mental or physical effort. Another member of our small team has also been suffering from long COVID and aftereffects of an unexpected, disabling injury.

We were not prepared for a health crisis like this. imitone’s development has sustained a major setback, and I have been unable to contribute to the development of the MIDI 2.0 standard since last October. Additionally, there has been a lapse in customer support since September. I’m working to get this caught up by the end of the month.

I’m still in recovery, but reaching a point where I’ll be able to resume my duties part-time and begin to pick up where we left off in mid-June (when I contracted my second case of long COVID). We are working on a major update to our VST plugins for PC and Mac OS.

On a personal note: The COVID-19 pandemic is still in full force and presents a very real threat of disability to people of all ages. Despite taking significantly more precautions than average, I contracted COVID twice: first from a housemate, then from an outdoor event (where I spent 80% of my time masked up). The typical prognosis for post-COVID syndrome is 6 to 8 months of recovery — potentially much longer if the patient is unlucky or can’t commit to a period of rest.

My memories of the last year are fragmented but I know I’ve lost a lot of time. Don’t let it happen to you.

— Evan Balster
lead developer, imitone