early access downloads

download beta version 13 (0.13.1b)

for Windowsfor Mac OS X

read the manual for help getting started.

you need a key to use the beta — pre-order here to get one.

this is a work-in-progress!

we are still fixing bugs and improving the way imitone understands your voice.

feedback from beta users helps us make imitone better.
share comments and bugs from the app or in our forum.

developers, see our guide to MIDI 2.0!

having trouble?

» see our help & support page!

try an older version:
...get imitone 0.12.1 for Windows or Mac OS X.

running on an old Mac?
...Mac OS 10.7 to 10.12: imitone 0.10.2.
...Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard: imitone 0.8.1.

running an old PC?
...32-bit PCs: download imitone 0.13.0b.
...Windows XP: download imitone 0.11.